Welcome to ALB Cross-Border Legal Practices and Investment Forum

Date:               19 October 2017
Registration:  8.30am to 9.00am
Event:             9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:            JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central(No.18 Xuanwumenwai Street Xicheng District, Beijing,100052)

时间:            2017年10月19日 9:00-17:00

地点:            北京粤财JW万豪酒店(北京市西城区宣武门外大街18号)

Room:            Grand Ballroom Section One /大宴会厅1






ALB Cross-Border Legal Practices and Investment Forum will bring together thought leaders from all across Asia to discuss trends and developments in cross-border transactions. Its objective: to help In-House legal teams in China learn how to navigate key risks inherent in cross-border transactions and deliver better outcomes for their businesses.
Target Audience
  • Legal Practitioners, General Counsels and Legal Officers
  • Business Leaders, C-Suite Executives, Directors, Regional/Country Managers
  • Policy Makers And Members Of the Judiciary

Benefits Of Attending

  • FREE passes for In-House counsels and business leaders
  • Network with senior In-House counsels, lawyers and business leaders who are on top of their game.
  • Real world, genuine discussions on key cross border legal challenges facing In-House counsels in China today

Forum Topics *

  • Aligning China’s Growth and Development with Investment Opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region via the “Belt and Road Initiative” 
  • Enhancing Cross-Border Partnerships and Connectivity along China’s "One Belt One Road" Strategy 
  • Navigating Through China’s Capital Control and Outflow Measures on Outbound Deal Makings 
  • China’s Push to Attract Greater Foreign Inbound Investments and MNCs Participation in the “Belt and Road Initiative”
  • China M&A Investment Trends and Activities – Inbound VS. Outbound
  • Cross-Border Corporate Reporting and Compliance Measures for Businesses Across Multi-Jurisdictions 
  • Addressing Corruption Risks Via Conducting Pre and Post M&A Due Diligence  
  • Strengthening China’s Anti-Money Laundering Compliance and Sanctions for Cross-Border Transactions
  • The Forensic Response to a Regulatory Investigation
  • Ensuring Compliance with Data Privacy and Protection Regulations during M&A Transactions
  • Recent Developments and Trends in China’s Dispute Resolution Space
  • Understanding Opportunities and Challenges for China Outbound Investments in :
      • North Asia
      • SE Asia
      • Unites States 
      • Europe 
      • MENA Region

* The above topics are not final and subject to further revisions. Representatives from law firms and legal service providers interested in speaking on any of thre above topics can contact our sponsorship team for further information on how to participate in this event. 





  • 公司法务,法律从业者
  • 商界领袖、高级管理人员、董事、区域经理
  • 学术专家、政府工作人员


  • 为公司法务以及商业精英提供免费入场券
  • 与资深企业法律顾问、商业精英以及律师大咖面对面交流互动
  • 探讨在中国面对的跨境交易的关键性法律难题
Welcome to ALB Cross-Border Legal Practices and Investment Forum
Date:               19 October 2017
Registration:  8.30am to 9.00am
Event:             9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:           JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central(No.18 Xuanwumenwai Street Xicheng District, Beijing,100052)

时间:            2017年10月19日 9:00-17:00

地点:            北京粤财JW万豪酒店(北京市西城区宣武门外大街18号)

Room:            Grand Ballroom Section One /大宴会厅1





大会议程将定期更新.  若有任何疑问关于大会议程, 请联系:


联系电话: + 65 6870 3102

For further information, please contact Willy Leonardi at willy.leonardi@thomsonreuters.com or call +65 6870 3102




Please click here to download the agenda of the forum.






* Agenda is not final and subject to further revisions.




Welcome to ALB Cross-Border Legal Practices and Investment Forum
Date:               19 October 2017
Registration:  8.30am to 9.00am
Event:             9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:           JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central(No.18 Xuanwumenwai Street Xicheng District, Beijing,100052)

时间:            2017年10月19日 9:00-17:00

地点:            北京粤财JW万豪酒店(北京市西城区宣武门外大街18号)

Room:            Grand Ballroom Section One /大宴会厅1





Confirmed Speakers



Ouyang Lei, Chief Counsel,Thomson Reuters China 



Mr. Ouyang, Lei is the Chief Counsel for Thomson Reuters, China. He has over ten years’ experience in practicing law. His practice focuses on China-related corporate matters, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust advice and investigations,construction projects.Mr. Ouyang has represented both multinational clients and Chinese companies in inbound and outbound transactions in a variety of industries such as internet, auto, energy, manufactory, etc.

Prior to joining Thomson Reuters, Mr. Ouyang was senior associate at several leading international law firms.  Mr. Ouyang received his LL.B. from South-Central University for Nationalities and his LL.M. from University of Warwick. Mr. Ouyang is fluent in Mandarin and English, and is qualified to practice in China.



Eddie Lam, Managing Director, FTI Consulting 

Eddie Lam is a Managing Director based in Shanghai, China where he leads the Forensic Accounting & Advisory Services China practice at FTI Consulting.  Eddie has provided accounting, investigative and compliance related expertise in litigation, crisis and audit situations for more than 18 years. He has led engagements in over 20 countries, assisting clients with regulatory inquiries and other allegations of wrongdoing including financial reporting fraud, corruption/bribery, misappropriation of assets and employee misconduct. Additionally, Eddie has significant experience in advising on and implementing various proactive compliance and risk mitigation initiatives that help companies protect their interests, both commercially and legally. Internationally recognised as a leading forensic accountant by Who’s Who Legal in their ‘Investigations 2017’ edition, Eddie is noted by clients as being “very responsive to client needs” and “very knowledgeable about the field.”

Eddie holds a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania as well as an M.B.A. in Accounting and Finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is a Certified Public Accountant in the state of New York. 

Eddie Lam
FTI Consulting证会计和咨部的常董事,常上海。Eddie 诉讼、危机和审计过程提供有关会计调查及合专业及服有超18年相关经验。他曾领导过20个国家的助客管部门调查及其他不法行的指控,包括财务报告欺、腐贿赂资产挪用和工的不。此外,Eddie在商和法律面,善于助客户实施各风险缓释措施,助企公司利益。他在国际著名法律评级“Who's Who Legal Investigations 2017“ 获评为国际先法证会计师专业领有广泛的知以及响应需求  ”誉业界。



Franchette M. Acosta, Senior Partner, Villaraza & Angangco (V&A Law)

Franchette M. Acosta specializes in commercial law, and has counseled clients in foreign investment transactions, mergers and acquisitions of private and public companies and debt and equity offerings (including initial public offerings). Ms. Acosta is counsel for public/listed and private companies in various industries, such as banking and finance, telecommunications, property development, mining and power and energy. She also represents clients before government agencies for procurement and build-operate and transfer projects.

Ms. Acosta holds a Masters of Law Degree (LL.M.) from New York University, a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL.B.) from the University of the Philippines College of Law and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines School of Economics.

Franchette M. Acosta 攻商法,并给在外交易、私人和公共公司的合及收以及债务和股票行(包括首次公开发行)提供咨Acosta女士是行、金融、信、房地产开发、采、能源和能源等行的公共/上市公司和私公司的顾问她还做客在政府机和建运营转让项目的代表。

Acosta女士持有法律位(法学硕士)毕业纽约菲律宾国立大法律 (LL.B)菲律宾国立大学经济学业经济学学位。



Maria Concepcion P. Simundac, Partner, Villaraza & Angangco (V&A Law)

Maria Concepcion P. Simundac specializes in the areas of Corporate & Commercial Law, Power & Energy, Construction & Real Estate Transactions, Infrastructure, Transportation & Public Utilities, and Corporate & Project Finance. Ms. Simundac likewise advises clients in navigating increasingly complex regulatory frameworks and compliance in the areas of financial technology, data privacy and anti-financial crimes. Ms. Simundac currently holds positions of director and corporate secretary in various multi-national, domestic and non-profit corporations across industries where she gains practical perspective on the business issues and concerns of clients. 

Ms. Simundac obtained her Juris Doctor degree with Honors and Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the Ateneo de Manila University.

Maria Concepcion P. Simundac 专长于企业与法、能源、建筑房地交易、础设施、运输和公共事、以及公司和目融Simundac女士也航日益复杂管框架和金融技术领域的合性,私和反金融犯罪提供咨Simundac女士目前持有各董事和公司秘位,国内和非利企跨行则让她拥对业务问题和客户顾虑实际点。




Audray Souche, Partner and Managing Director, DFDL Thailand

Audray Souche is a Partner and Managing Director of DFDL Thailand. She has been working in the region since 2004, combining general commercial/foreign investment experience with specialized experience on energy and infrastructure projects. As the Deputy Head of the Regional Energy, Mining and Infrastructure Practice Group, she has led DFDL teams on numerous energy, project development, financing and technical assistance matters in the Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Bhutan. She has also sound experience on M&A transactions in the Lao PDR, Vietnam and Thailand. After having worked in Phnom Penh and in DFDL’s Vientiane and Ho Chi Minh City offices, she is currently based in the Bangkok office.

Audray Souche DFDL 的合人以及 DFDL 总经理。2004年以一直在工作,主要执业领能源和基础设目,同在商事物及外商投方面亦有相的工作经验为区域能源、矿业和基础设(EMI)的副主任,她经带领DFDL团队参与在老、柬寨、甸、泰、越南和不丹的多能源目、开发、融以及向地政府提供技援助。Audray在老、越南和泰并购交易方面也有丰富的经验曾在金DFDL的万象和胡志明市分所工作,目前常曼谷分所。



Jihong Wang, Partner of Zhonglun Law FirmCo-head of Construction & Infrastructure department

王霁虹, 合伙人& 房地产和基础设施部联席负责人, 中伦律师事务所


Practice Areas:

Infrastructure, Outbound Investment, Construction & Real Estate, Environment, Natural Resources and Energy, Dispute Resolution

Jihong Wang
Partner of Zhonglun Law Firm
Co-head of Construction & Infrastructure department
Practice Areas
: Infrastructure, Outbound Investment, Construction & Real Estate, Environment, Natural Resources and Energy, Dispute ResolutionJihong Wang
Partner of Zhonglun Law Firm
Co-head of Construction & Infrastructure department
Practice Areas
: Infrastructure, Outbound Investment, Construction & Real Estate, Environment, Natural Resources and Energy, Dispute Resolutio
Representative Cases:

Baganuur Coal-Fired Power Plant in Mongolia (BOT, total investment around RMB 8 Billion)Argentina Pressure Pipe and Heavy Water Nuclear Power Plant (Design, Build, Supply,USD 2 Billion in Total Investment)Perennial legal counsel for Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd.    Johor River EPC Project in MalaysiaOM Expressway Project in Italy (Concession, total investment around EUR 7 Billion)










William Qiu, Partner, Zhonglun Law Firm

邱建, 合伙人, 中伦律师事务所

Mr. William Qiu holds licenses of the PRC and New York State.  His practice areas include capital market, private equity and investment fund, cross-border M&A and investment.  His recent representative cases include acquisition of H3C by Unisplendour Corporation, take-private acquisition of OmniVision Technologies by Chinese consortium, take-private acquisition of Xueda by 000526, Intel’s investment in Spreadtrum, etc.  



John Yong Ren, Founder and Managing Partner, T&D Associates

任勇, 创始人、主任, 天地和律师事务所

John Yong Ren is the founder and managing partner of T&D Associates based in Beijing, China. Since being approved as a certified lawyer in 1988, he has been practicing in the fields of antitrust, and international trade.

He founded the first and biggest antitrust group in China in May 2003, and has been providing extensive legal services in antitrust to multinationals in diverse industries since then.

Team led by him has been assisting clients on all aspects of AML with expertise in a broad range of antitrust issues, including merger control, cartels, abuses, etc. With experiences of participation in the legislation of the AML and related administrative rules as well as good working relationship with three AML enforcement authorities, he successfully represented multinationals in more than 300 merger notifications (including the recent Dow/DuPont, Qualcomm/NXP and AT&T/Time Warner with MOFCOM, etc.) and dozens of antitrust investigations (including the recent Tetra Pak case with SAIC and most cartel and abusive cases involving multinationals with NDRC) in China since 2008.

Until now, T&D Associates has been recognized by Chambers as PRC Competition/Antitrust Law Firm of the Year for 8 times from 2010 to 2017.







LI Hairong, Partner, Zhonglun Law Firm

李海容, 合伙人, 中伦律师事务所

Ms. Li holds licenses of the PRC. Her practice areas include Chinese overseas investment, mergers and acquisitions, securities and capital markets, corporate reorganization and restructuring. Her recent representative cases include  Nanjing Xinjiekou Dept Store Co., Ltd.’s acquisition of China Cord Blood Bankand material assets reorganization, acquisition of various medical and pharmaceutical assets in Israel, Hong Kong and China, and material assets reorganization; Sinotrans Limited’s acquisition of China Merchants Logistics Holdings Company Limited constituting major and connected transaction, etc.  



 Hannah Cao,General Counsel, Silk Road Fund


Ms. Hannah Cao joined Silk Road Fund in 2015 as the Deputy General Counsel. She currently holds the position of General Counsel.  Previously, Ms. Cao practiced law in New York and Beijing at several international law firms for 12 years. Earlier in her career, she worked for four years at the International Department of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Headquarters.

Ms. Cao holds a BA in International Economics from Peking University, a MA in International Relations from Yale University and a Juris Doctor from Brooklyn Law School.





YAN MinGeneral Counsel of Borgward, Head of overseas operations of Beiqi Foton Motor Co.,Ltd 

颜敏,宝沃汽车总法律顾问, 福田汽车海外业务负责人


YAN Min, from legal department of Beiqi Foton Motor Co.,Ltd. She headed the overseas legal business in the last ten years and has established the overseas legal management system. She has also supported several Sino-foreign joint venture project and FDI, M&A, etc..







Wang Ke, General Counsel, Xinhua Hydropower Co., Ltd



Mr. Wang Ke is the General Counsel of Xinhua Hydropower Co., Ltd. He has over thirteen years’ experience in practicing law. Previously, he worked for China Nuclear E&C Group, serving as head of department of legal affairs, and at the same time director of business law department of China Nuclear Enginnering Corporation Limited. Earlier in his career, he worked at law firms for several years.

Mr. Wang Ke holds a BA in International economic law department of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and a LLM in International Business and European Union Law from the University of Sheffield.


王珂先生,现任新华水力发电有限公司总法律顾问。他拥有十三年的法律行业从业经历。此前,他就职于中国核工业建设集团公司,担任公司法律事务部处长, 同时担任中国核工业建设股份有限公司商务法律部主管。早年,他在律所执业多年。





联系电话: + 65 6870 3102

联系电话: (+86) 10 6627 1317

For more information regarding this event, please contact:

Willy Leonardi

Phone: +65 6870 3102 
Email: willy.leonardi@thomsonreuters.com

Erin Wang
Phone: (+86) 10 6627 1317
Email: xuan.wang@thomsonreuters.com 


Welcome to ALB Cross-Border Legal Practices and Investment Forum

Date:               19 October 2017
Registration:  8.30am to 9.00am
Event:             9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:           JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central(No.18 Xuanwumenwai Street Xicheng District, Beijing,100052)

时间:            2017年10月19日 9:00-17:00

地点:            北京粤财JW万豪酒店(北京市西城区宣武门外大街18号)

Room:            Grand Ballroom Section One /大宴会厅1






联系电话: + 65 6870 3102
Erin Wang
联系电话: (+86) 10 6627 1317


Amantha Chia
联系电话: +65 6870 3917
Yvonne Cheung
联系电话:  (+852) 2847 2003
电子邮件:  yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com

For more information regarding this event, please contact:

Willy Leonardi
Phone: +65 6870 3102 
Email: willy.leonardi@thomsonreuters.com

Erin Wang
Phone: (+86) 10 6627 1317
Email: xuan.wang@thomsonreuters.com 


For details of sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Amantha Chia
Phone: +65 6870 3917
Email: amantha.chia@thomsonreuters.com

Yvonne Cheung
Phone: (+852) 2847 2003
Email: yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com 

Welcome to ALB Cross-Border Legal Practices and Investment Forum
Date:               19 October 2017
Registration:  8.30am to 9.00am
Event:             9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:           JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central(No.18 Xuanwumenwai Street Xicheng District, Beijing,100052)

时间:            2017年10月19日 9:00-17:00

地点:            北京粤财JW万豪酒店(北京市西城区宣武门外大街18号)

Room:            Grand Ballroom Section One /大宴会厅1





Complimentary passes are available to
In-House Cousels, General Counsels, Legal Officers, Business Leaders, C-Suite Executives, Directors, Regional/Country Managers based in China.

Registration Fees for Representatives from Law Firms / Service Providers

Standard Rate                     

Law Firms and other Legal Service Providers                   US$1200

Group PriceSAVE AN ADDITIONAL 20% for this event. Register five participants from your organisation and the 5th person attends for free.

For registration under Law Firms / Service Providers, please visit  https://www.regonline.com/crossborderforum2017a 



For more information regarding event registration, please contact:


Siti Hawamah
Phone: +65 6417 4517
Email: SitiHawamah.BinteAbuBakar@thomsonreuters.com 


*  免费参会名额只针对公司法务、学术专家、企业领导及政府官员。律师事务所及其他相关服务提供商代表请联系我们关于如何参与。



Siti Hawamah
联系电话: +65 6417 4517
电子邮件: SitiHawamah.BinteAbuBakar@thomsonreuters.com